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What is aphorism? Give examples.

What is aphorism? Give examples.

Ans. An aphorism is a short phrase or statement that reveals a truth or principle.it is found first in a work which is generally attributed to the Greek physician Hippocretes entitled "Aphorisms" which consists of tersely-worded principles on the practice of medicine.  an example of aphorism is "ars longa,vita brevia est"-"art is long, life is short."the following  sentence from bacon's "of studies" is another example of aphorism : "Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man." an aphorism is also called 'sententia'.
though both an aphorism and an epigram are terse expressions, they differ from each other.an aphorism simply states a truth in brief while an epigram is a succint and witty  statement producing a shock of comic surprise.an aphorism does not denote any satire but an epigram is often satiric.here is an epigram :
"God made a woman beautiful so that men would love them; and he made them stupid so that they could love men."
Again,an aphorism is different from a maxim which offers a behavioural advice rather than simply revealing a truth or principle. "A stitch in time saves nine" is a maxim.

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