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What are the purposes / uses of studies as bacon suggests in his essay "of studies"?

Francis bacon is best known for his essays which are written on diverse subjects of life and society. "Of studies" deals with the purposes of studies.bacon's ideas about studies derive from pure pragmatic point of view. he analyses studies so that man can get worldly benefits from them.
bacon suggests that studies can serve a man in three ways.they can give him pleasure in his leisure. the ornamental value of studies lies to help a man to become a good orator and finally a man should read to acquire success in business matters because it is the learned man who can make plans and policies, and manage the offices in its over-all aspect. but at the same time bacon opines that one should not read only because doing so he may become lazy.so he proposes that studies should be complemented with practical experience.
  Again, Bacon thinks that a man should not read books merely to contradict others. Nor should he believe whatever be finds there.the real purpose of reading books should be to think carefully and to judge the value of what the books contain.in this case, bacon comments that all books are not of equal importance. he writes, "Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested."
According to bacon, studies influence a man's character and make his personality. different kinds of books have different effects on the readers : "Histories make men wise; poets writty ; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend."
bacon believes that studies cure mental defects like physical illness can be cured by proper exercises. so, a man whose mind wanders should study mathematics. the writings of the philosophers of middle age are helpful to make distinctions between things. if a man is unable to recall reference and settle his argument, he should read law cases.

        Therefore,  it is now clear that bacon views studies from the utilitarian aspect. he does not approve that a book is the. " precious life- blood of a master spirit"  that goes "life beyond life."  His analysis of studies is entirely based on the practical utility rather than ideslist morality. 

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