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Bacon's essays are didactic. explain this with reference to the essy "of studies".

To moralist and spiritualist like blake, bacon's essays may be "Good advice for Satan's kingdom " but  one cannot completely deny that the essays  are devoid  of any moral  consideration.  there is a didactic or moral note underlying the essays. likely, in "of studies" one finds a dichotomy of wisdom and values.
bacon opens his essay typically with his aphoristic  statement "studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability " and them further explains the reasons of his argument.  but he does not finish only staring the uses of studies and how men use them but also States his moral view.
        " To spend  too much time in studies is sloth; to uae them too much for ornament is affection ; to make judgment wholly by their rules is the humour of a scholar ".
thus, bacon deprecates much studies and the scholars habit to make his judgment from his reading instead of using his independent  views.
Again, bacon sounds  like a moralist when he advises to "read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted ; nor to find talk and discourse. " to him, one should study to "weigh and consider. " bacon calls him a wise man who gains wisdom by keen observation and experience because studies  "are perfected by experience. "
then, bacon argues that alone studies do not shape a perfect man.he also needs conference and writing : " reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man." bacon further tells that studies not only help to gain worldly benefit but also pass into one's character. that is, the constitution of one's moral disposition is the outcome of one's learning and experience.  so, he advises to read to develop one's moral view along with practical utility. according to him,  " histories make men wise; poets writty ; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave ; logic and rhetoric able to contend."

bacon's essay " of studies", therefore, has didactic values along with its pragmatic utility. bacon gives counsels how to improve one's ability and character through proper studies. 

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