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Critically appreciate Martin Luther King’s “I have a Dream” speech.

Critically appreciate Martin Luther King’s “I have a Dream”  speech.
Write a critical appreciation of Martin luther King’s  “I have a Dream” speech.
          Ans. Martin Luther King’s “I have a Dream” is a memorable speech particularly for the black American people. “I have a Dream” is not only King’s most famous speech but also it has become the touchstone of American memory of the struggle for civil rights. This famous speech was delivered on 28 August 1963 from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. It was a clarion call for freedom and equality for the black people in America.
          Martin Luther king’s “I have a Dream” is a powerful speech. It is a masterpiece in oratory. King uses emotive language and speaks with power and energy for the rightful demands of the black people in America. The speaker has poured his soul into the words he has spoken. He speaks with utmost conviction and urges the nation to take immediate action to grant civil rights to the black American people.
          Freedom for the black Americans is at the core of king’s speech. He is addressing a great congregation of the civil rights activists demanding freedom for all Americans. He mentions the Constitution of America, the Declaration of Independence, the Emancipation Proclamation and the points out how systematically the black Americans have long been deprived of their rights of freedom and equality. By using powerful language Luther delineates the deplorable conditions of the black Americans in the society. Negroes are virtually living “on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast are virtually living “on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity and languishing in the corners of American”. They are outside in their own society. Kings prime objective is to place before the audience the rightful demands for civil rights. Using emotive language he underscores the exigency of granting civil rights to the black people. Throughout the speech Luther is mainly concerned about the rights of freedom and equality for the Negroes.
          As an orator Luther exploits a number of oratorical techniques. He makes abundant use of allusions and repetitions in his speech. He repeatedly refers to the already familiar objects of the audience. His allusions include the Constitution of America, the Declaration of Independence, the Emancipation Proclamation, the bible and others. By alluding to the familiar to his audience. Another remarkable technique used by Luther is rhetorical repetitions. He purposefully makes repetitions in order to heightened effect. The repetition of a phrase at the beginning of sentences, which is called ‘anaphora’ in technical terminology, is a common feature in the speech. The repetitions of the phrases like “Now is the time…..” or “I Have a Dream” have immense effect on the audience.
          Martin Luther king’s “I Have a Dream” is a masterpiece. The speaker shows his supreme oratorical skills as he addresses the multitude of Civil Rights Movement activists. He speaks in plain and simple language, but his language is extremely powerful to create the desired effects his speech is also a great literary success.

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